Connect - Schema
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Last updated
Click on the Schema tab to begin.
Here you can check and manage the table sets, tables, and columns from the source you set up.
Click on the table item dropdown to view the existing columns of that table.
Click on the checkbox of each column of each table or table set to enable or disable them from syncing.
To disable a table set from syncing, click on its Enabled toggle.
To enable it again, click on the Enabled toggle to turn it ON.
Any disabling columns, tables, or table sets will not be synced.
Click the Discard button to cancel your action.
Click the Save changes button to confirm your action.
For the Trino connection, you can view the tables and its columns but can not change anything else.
For the Endash connection, it does not have the Schema tab.
Click on the icon to open its Data details page.