Table - Filter
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You can set up filters for a specific View.
To begin, click on the Filter on the right side.
You can also open the Settings and then click on the Filter to begin.
Click on the < icon or X button to close the FIlter sidebar.
Click on the "+ Add filter" button to display all the available columns to filter.
Click on the column that you want to be filtered.
Columns are grouped by their types for easy searching.
Whether the selected columns are Date, String, Number, or Boolean type, you can configure them like in Filter (Dashboard).
If you leave without saving your filter setup, a message box will pop up:
Click the Dismiss or X button to close it and continue the setup.
Click the Leave button to leave the page without saving your filters.
Click the Save changes button to confirm your filter setup.
All the data will be filtered and displayed according to that filter.
You have to save your changes, whether you add, edit, or remove, the "personal filters" are available only on the Dashboard page.
You can then edit your filter just like in Edit the Dashboard filters by clicking on the filter on the Filter sidebar.
Click the X button on the filter tag or the X button on the Filter sidebar of the selected column to delete a filter.
Click the Save changes button to confirm your filter setup.
If you are familiar with the filters feature, click on the "+ Add Advanced filter" button to help you filter your data more efficiently.
The Filter box will pop up afterward.
You can begin to add your filter combining many more options.
Press the Done button to confirm.
Press the Reset button to start again.
Press the Cancel button or outside the Add filter box to close without saving.
All the data will be filtered and displayed according to that filter.
Hover on the advanced filters to view its details.
You can then edit your filter just like in Edit the Dashboard filters by clicking on the filter on the Filter sidebar.
Click the X button on the Filter sidebar to delete your advanced filter.
You have to save your changes, whether you add, edit, or remove, the "personal filters" are available only on the Dashboard page.
You can change the filter order by drag and drop the tag.
The same applies to the Filter menu list.