Filtering the Dashboard
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The filter feature assists you in refining and narrowing down data according to specific criteria, streamlining your information.
To enable the Dashboard filter, click on the Filter toggle on the top right menu to turn it ON.
After the Filter button is turned on, press the “Add filter” text button.
The Filter box will pop up afterward.
There are 4 types of filtering: Date, String, Number, and Boolean.
The ON / OFF state of the filter button will be saved for each Dashboard.
You have to add a data model to view the items for filtering.
The Column name shows the name of the column of the available Data model.
The Data model shows the Data model that you have added to a Widget.
The Parent shows the source of the Data model.
In the right corner of the FIlter box, you can click on the dropdown to show the specific Filter types for selection.
In the right corner of the FIlter box, you can click on the dropdown to show the specific Filter types for selection.
To close the Filter box, you can:
Click. the X button.
Click the Cancel button.
Click outside of the Filter box